
Will there be Another Pandemic In Your Lifetime?

Will there be another pandemic in your lifetime? Vocabulary Study (Please read choose a word in video that means to you)  單字, 詞性(n./adj./v….),中文意思, 例句 reservior (n.) 水庫/儲藏所/寶庫 The universities constitute a reservior of experts knowledge. scenario (n.) 設想/場景 The most likely scenario is that house prices rise again, forcing interest rates up.  catalogue(n/v)目錄/編入目錄 This great discovery worth to be catalogue in thechronology of events. Reflection (at least 50 words)     a.(林睿宏)  Pandemics are always frustrating issue for us since it may cause a lot of additional problems, including witnessing others death, sick, recession or some unpleasant changes in our social life. But we still have to face with and deal with it. Exept for the vaccine, the statastical method how scientists predict the possibility of pandemic may happened in the future clearly shows that it's necessary for us to get prepared before a new wave of pandemic happens rather than waiting without doing ...

Bilingual Brain

課程ppt連結:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19imvPd_h2vUilMvLzspgGMH495OwyhhWNol7vi6Vlws/edit?usp=drivesdk

Whatever Happened to Acid Rain?

  Whatever happened to acid rain? - Joseph Goffman Vocabulary Study (Please read choose a word in video that means to you) 單字, 詞性(n./adj./v….),中文意思, 例句 marine (adj.) 海洋的 Acid rain would destroy marine ecosystem. corrode(v.) 侵蝕 Acid rain may corrode structures made of stone and metal. mounting (adj.) 增長的 There was mounting concern in his voice. utility (n.) 效用 Since their expected utilities are the same, the rationality of choosing one cannot differ from that of choosing the other. arboreal (adj.) 樹棲的 Koalas are kind of arboreal animal, and most of their life live on eucalyptus.          Answer the following questions: What causes the acid rainfall ? What could be done to stop it ?          a.(林睿宏)  1.When water interacts with oxides of nitrogen or sulfur dioxide provided by emissions of the power plants or exhaust gas of the vehicles, it then produces sulfuric acid and nitric acid, which is the main composition of acid rain. 2....

How does Caffeine Keep us Awake?

How does caffeine keep us awake? - Hanan Qasim Vocabulary Study (Please read choose a word in video that means to you)  單字, 詞性(n./adj./v….),中文意思, 例句 adenosine (n.) 腺甘酸 Adenosine is a chemical that can make us drowsy. dopamine(n.)多巴胺 Dopamine is a chemical that makes you pleasure. urination (n.) 排尿 she was unable to speak,eat,control urination or move her body. insomnia (n.)失眠 Too much stress will sometimes cause insomnia. metric (adj.)公制的 Metric units have been widely used in modern society.          Answer the following questions: How does caffeine work in your body? What’s the pros and cons of caffeine?      a.(林睿宏)  Caffeine act as a stimulant system for our central nervous system. It can block adenosine, a substance that can draw us sleepy. 1.Pros: Reducing the adenosine iseases like Pakinson's, Alzheimer's, and some types of cancer. Making us feel better and alert. 2.Cons:   (1)Raising our heart rate and blood pressure, which c...

If Superpowers Were Real, which would you Choose?

After watching the intro and a chosen video, PLEASE write down summary + reflection in following pages. Those paperwork will be used as a presentation. The length of speech is required to be at least 50 seconds, and we will film the presentation in next week's class.   intro : If superpowers were real, which would you choose? - Joy Lin video(choose one) If superpowers were real: Super strength - Joy Lin If superpowers were real: Super speed - Joy Lin If superpowers were real: Flight - Joy Lin If superpowers were real: Body mass - Joy Lin If superpowers were real: Immortality - Joy Lin If superpowers were real: Invisibility - Joy Lin A.(林昱驊) In the second video, we can learn that invisibility is not a kind of superpower as convenient as we think. We can not go everywhere without being noticed by anyone else with invisibility. Though invisibility is not as good as we used to think, I still think it is the best superpowers. Sometimes we are under lots of social pressure, and j...

Optical illusion


Prospect of the Electric Car and Its Revolution

  The surprisingly long history of electric cars:https://youtu.be/-EG6rqA2vvA What's the best fuel for your car? https://youtu.be/UoH2-TlcDrU 個人心得:(語音檔連結) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qDhfVgEO6QFOxoW3lSybr29DifXk939R